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I have heard for years that painting is dead. It will be no surprise to you that I disagree. True, there have been many developments in "art" since the advent over the last hundred years of acceptance of photography, conceptual art, video art, installation, performance art, grafitti, etc. etc.  And true, the venerable triumverate (painting, sculpture and architecture) of art history of yore has been exploded.  I consider all this an additive process enriching our experience and to be welcomed...My love affair with painting really started with Picasso, that great master of the last century -- most specifically with the legend of him laboring in the Bateau-Lavoir in 1907 giving birth to the modern. He and the many other painters of modern art up to our present day (Richter, Bosquiat, Hockney -- don't get me started!) contain a world of beauty and meaning that is virtually infinite in its scope...My "influences"? Well, who can say? I see lots of them in my work. I paint (or draw on my iPad) and what you see here in these galleries is what comes out...Welcome and enjoy. I love to hear from folks, by the way, so "contact me" if you'd like.


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